Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Paper Prototype

I finally got my paper prototype taped and on my team page. now i can finally start doing my game. i haven't even started, so it'll probably take awhile. :,


Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Blog And It's Problems

My blog has a lot of stuff on it, but the writing was really big. I

could only fit half a blog on my page because it wrote so big. I finally got it fixed and it looks totally awesome. It's got the coolest background and like, five blogs or something.

Paper Protoypes

In globaloria, we have to do paper prototypes, and it wasn't really that great. It was alot of work just trying to draw scenes.

Then I forgot my papers so I couldn't tape my game because I missed one day and then forgot them again.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Paper Prototyping

In globaloria this week, Mrs. Sheppard had us make paper prototypes of our games. It was fun, but we have to color it all! That will be a pain in the butt because it will take forever. Mine is finished, but it only has like, 15 scenes or something, when everyone elses has, like, way more than me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

mini games

Do you play games in your free time? Yes all the time.
Which ones do you play and why are they your favorite? I play Potropica and Games XL. I like them cause' they are fun.
Does this topic give you a new perspective about playing games? No, not really.
Why or why not?  Because they are just for fun.

Mini Game Questions

  • WHO are you designing your game for?The player could be any age and have only a little experience with the topic.
  • WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? It will teach them how to multiply with powers, and how to help animals.
  • WHERE does your game happen?
    • It happens in the present.
    • It will show how people need to be more cautious about their driving.
  • HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic?
    • An animal gets hit by a truck.
    • If they answer questions right they  get to help the animal get better.
  • WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz?It helps you learn how to do the math instead of  guessing questions.

My Mini Game

My mini game was very hard to make. I liked making the bunny move, but it was hard because I couldn't get it to move in the right directions. I didn't like how the bunny chased the carrot. It didn't really chase it just ate it. So really, it's just boring.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Research Topic

In Globaloria we are picking game topics so apparently we have to write a blog too. My research topic is helping injured animals and multiplying with powers. At least we get to pick what our games are about. We also have to use wikipedia, but I don't really like them.  People edit them all the time so the information might not even be true. Then your games turn out having the wrong info. My pic tells all.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Internet Safety

You shouldn't tell people where you live when your on the internet. You also shouldn't tell people your age, put your mom or dads first or last name, or your phone # on the internet. there are people that try to find you and kill you or take you hostage.

Playing to learn- Globaloria

I would use adventure for my game. That way I can do a game about animals or about being a doctor. I could do one about doing surgery on a dog or cat. Or a fish.I also liked the game bullseye. I would do something like that except you would be hunting in the woods and have a gun, and you get to shoot wild game.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

my globaloria computer

my first day in globaloria, my computer would not work. i tried on 4 different computers, and all of them wouldn't work. the 3rd one was really slow.my first one, it wouldn't let me log in.my 2nd computer the mouse broke and my computer froze.i finally got logged into my wiki and could google a picture and save it to my computer. then it was over and i got nothing done.